The Committee
Learn about the volunteers elected at the AGM to manage the club. The 2024/25 Committee is as follows:
- Jenny Butler (Chair) –
- Joanna Santinon (Honorary Secretary) –
- Chris Thompson-Bell (Honorary Treasurer) –
- Rebecca Quee (Women’s Captain) –
- Zane Bray (Men’s Captain) –
- Peter Wakefield (Membership Secretary) –
The Committee is also supported by various sub-committees. If you wish to join and support any of the below please contact us for more information:
More about your Committee
The club rules state that the Committee must consist of 4 officers of the club: Men’s and Women’s Captains, the Hon. Secretary, and the Treasurer, plus between 7 and 20 other members who need not have any specific role. The current committee structure has 8 named positions as follows:
- Men’s Captain
- Women’s Captain
- Treasurer
- Honorary Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Facilities Manager
- 3 ordinary* members
The Committee meets 5 to 6 times a year. All Committee members are expected to attend meetings and to be involved in strategic decisions about the running of the club. We want to use the wealth of expertise and experience we have amongst the membership, so if you have specific professional skills that may be of benefit, or are simply a long-standing member who would like to be involved in strategic decision-making about the club’s future, please speak to one of the Committee.
*All Committee members have an equal voice in the decision making of the committee and, if any decisions require a vote, each Committee member’s vote is worth as much as any other.
Terms of Reference for the Committee are as follows: